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Call for papers & submission instructions


The conference program will include presentations of contributions on specific topics and presentations of software prototypes with their demos. Two kinds of contributions are allowed: full papers (which may be already accepted by other journals and conferences), and short papers. The last ones are suitable for presenting work in progress, even if not yet mature for publication, software prototypes, summaries of PhD Theses, overviews of research projects. 


The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Logic programming, constraint logic programming and other declarative programming paradigms
Extensions of declarative programming paradigms
Program analysis, transformation, validation and verification
Tools and environments for program developmentImplementations and benchmarking
Model Checking
Automated Reasoning
Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Answer Set Programming
Knowledge representation and extraction
Uncertain and incomplete knowledge management
Approximate Reasoning
Abductive Logic Programming
Model-based Reasoning
Inductive Logic Programming
Deductive databases
Data mining and Data integration
Multiagent Systems
Semantic Web
Natural Language
Computational logic for concurrency, coordination, mobility and objects
Planning and scheduling
Probabilistic Logic Programming
Applications of Computational Logic
Didactics of Computational Logic



Contributions should be sent as a PDF file and uploaded via Easychair (

Be careful!!! There is another conference CILC 2015 (7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics) with the same acronym and similar Easychair link. Please be sure to submit your paper to the right conference using the link!!!

Papers may be written either in English or in Italian and should not exceed 15 pages for full papers and 5 pages for short papers. The preferred format is standard LNCS ( Accepted papers must be presented at the conference.


We welcome demo proposals showing software systems and prototypes developed as part of academic or industrial projects, using tools and techniques based or inspired to Computational Logic or being themselves tools for developing applications based on Computational Logic. Proposals must include a short description following the template for short papers, and specifying which kind of hardware or software instruments are required to run the demo.


Original papers presented at the conference will be published on A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in a special issue of an international journal. Papers presented elsewhere will gain visibility by being linked from the conference site; if not already published on a journal, the non original papers will have the chance to be selected for the special issue as well.


Organization and registration
The CILC conference is organized by GULP. Italian attendees must be members of GULP. The registration can be done on site.


For more information you may contact the organizers Davide AnconaMarco Maratea and Viviana Mascardi
DIBRIS - Dipartimento di Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi
Università degli Studi di Genova,Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.



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L'evento è patrocinato dall'Università degli Studi di Genova.