CILC 2015
30th Italian Conference on Computational Logic
Genoa, July 1st-3rd 2015
Event organized by GULP, Group of researchers and Users of Logic Programming
To celebrate its thirty years, the annual conference of the Group of researchers and Users of Logic Programming (GULP) will be back to Genoa from July 1st to 3rd, 2015. A School of Computational Logic will precede the conference.
Since the first event of the series, which took place in Genoa in 1986, the annual GULP conference represents the main opportunity for users, researchers and developers working in the computational logic field to meet and exchange ideas. Over the years the conference broadened its horizons from the specific field of traditional Logic Programming to the general ones of declarative programming and of applications in neighboring areas including Artificial Intelligence and Deductive Databases. Also in the 2015 edition, GULP wants to follow and - possibly - strengthen this policy by identifying, with the general term of Computational Logic, the entire and multifaceted research areas, both foundational and applied, which directly and indirectly either use or interact with techniques and idea characterizing logics as a tool for representation and computation. To celebrate the 30th edition, world-wide recognized top scientists including Georg Gottlob and many others will give talks either at the conference or at the school. A panel with the Italian pioneers of Computational Logic will also take place.
The conference program will include presentations of contributions on specific topics and presentations of software prototypes with their demos. Two kinds of contributions are allowed: full papers (which may be already accepted by other journals and conferences), and short papers. Original papers will be published on A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in a special issue of an international journal. Papers presented elsewhere will gain visibility by being linked from the conference site; if not already published on a journal, the non original papers will have the chance to be selected for the special issue as well.
School of Computational Logic
Attending the school only requires to be registered to the GULP association (10 euro for students and researchers without a tenure track); there are no other fees. The school will start on June 29th with an afternoon for familiarizing with Horn clauses, Herbrand models, unification, SLD resolution, simple examples of logic programs. This session is mainly conceived for those students who have no or limited background on logic programming. On Tuesday the 30th some advanced topics will be faced and the school will go on until Wednesday morning with tutorials and talks of international top scientists in Computational Logic.
Important dates
Submission of abstracts: April, 15th, 2015
Submission of papers and demo proposals: April, 26th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: May, 15th, 2015
Camera ready: June, 5th, 2015
Registration: June, 5th, 2015
CILC School: June, 29th and 30th, July 1st, 2015
CILC Conference: July, 1st to 3rd, 2015
NEW!!! The CILC 2015 Proceedings have been published by CEUR: September, 29th, 2015
The CILC conference is organized by GULP. Italian attendees must be members of GULP. The registration can be done on site. The fee will has been kept as low as possible, consistently with the previous editions.
For more information you may contact the organizers Davide Ancona, Marco Maratea and Viviana Mascardi
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Si ringrazia inoltre la Scuola Politecnica dell'Università degli Studi di Genova.
L'evento è patrocinato dall'Università degli Studi di Genova.